Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday Sept 30th & October 1st Lesson 2.1: Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives


The republican ideal in the U.S. is manifested in the structure and operation of the legislative branch.


Explain how the structure, powers, and functions of both houses of Congress affect the policy-making process.


By design, the different structures, powers, and functions of the Senate and the House of Representatives affect the policy-making process. CON-3.B.2 Though both chambers rely on committees to conduct hearings and debate bills under consideration, different constitutional responsibilities of the House and Senate affect the policy-making process. CON-3.B.3 Chamber-specific procedures, rules, and roles that impact the policy-making process include: § Number of chamber and debate rules that set the bar high for building majority support § Roles of Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, party leadership, and committee leadership in both chambers § Filibuster and cloture § Holds and unanimous consent in the Senate § Role of Rules Committee, Committee of the Whole, and discharge petitions in the House § Treaty ratification and confirmation role of the U.S. Senate

Activity #1:

2018 AP Gov Scenario
Complete the following question in your notebook

Activity #2: Legislative Branch Carousel 

In your notebooks, we will travel through Parts 1 and 2 to learn the basics about the Legislative Branch.  You will have about 20 minutes on each station so make sure to work efficiently!  Note the answers to each of the "Parts," or stations in your notebooks.  You can find a copy of each of the parts with this PDF. This should be completed today. 


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