Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thursday Sept 12th & Friday Sept 13th: 1.3 Govt Power & Individual Rights

Lesson 1.3: Government Power and Individual Rights 

Enduring Understanding: 

The Constitution emerged from the debate about the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation as a blueprint for limited government.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain how Federalist and Anti- Federalist views on central government and democracy are reflected in U.S. foundational documents.

Essential Knowledge: 

Madison’s arguments in Federalist No. 10 focused on the superiority of a large republic in controlling the “mischiefs of faction,” delegating authority to elected representatives and dispersing power between the states and national government.

Anti-Federalist writings, including Brutus No. 1, adhered to popular democratic theory that emphasized the benefits of a small decentralized republic while warning of the dangers to personal liberty from a large, centralized government. 

Activity #1:

Complete the Federalist #10 and Brutus #1 walkthrough.  EVERYONE, complete page 3.  Then, tables 1-3 complete pages 4-9.  Tables 4-6 complete pages 10-14.  Together we will finish page 15, on Monday & Tuesday.


Make sure to begin studying for Unit 1 Exam next week by clicking EXAM REVIEW - this will be collected for a grade next week. Please download & save this document. This will serve as tool to guide your studying. 


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