Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday 3/24 & Wednesday 3/25: Interactive Notebook & Zoom Meeting Sign Up's

Good morning everyone, We are still going to use our "notebooks", however just in a different way. By now you should have created a gmail account, enrolled in the google classroom, & created a zoom username & password. Today's task is setting up your new notebook. See the directions below.

Opener: Your NEW interactive notebook.

If you don't have an existing google/gmail account, create one.
  • Create a new Google Doc to serve as your "notebook".  This is done from your google drive.

  • Use your full name in the title of the document.
  • Share this document with me: sderose23@gmail.com
  • I need to be able to edit and/or comment.
  • Record each day's assignments using the same format as usual.
  1. Opener
  2. Activity #1
  3. Activity #2
  4. Close

Example/Template Here:

These will be reviewed and graded weekly.
  1. Openers and Close will continue to be the means of earning participation grade.
  2. Activities will be the bulk of point available.
  3. Expect comments and feedback from me within the document.
Activity #1: Check-in

Address each of the following in your interactive notebook (Google doc) that you have just created

1.  What are your greatest concerns or questions in moving toward the virtual classroom/online learning?

2.  What might be good, or even better, in transitioning to the virtual classroom?

3. I need to know a good phone number to reach YOU, not your parents. I will also send texts using remind. 

Activity # 2: One on One Zoom Sign Up's

FILLED* Google Link FILLED* to sign up for a 5 min MANDATORY zoom meeting, with your truly.. If I don't get you this week, I am going to create a new link for next week.

For those who didn't get a chance to sign up, please use this Google Link


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