Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday 3/26 & Friday 3/27: 1 on 1 Meeting

If you signed up for the 1:00 hour meeting block, use this link: 

Join Zoom Meeting

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Meeting ID: 618 132 618

Notebooks: Remember, to find your Google Doc interactive notebook, go to  You should see a folder on the side that says "recent."  In the recent folder you should see your notebook.

First, create a new "Heading 1" for today's date in your notebooks 

Activity #1: Principles of Government Review:

Below are the 8 principles captured in the US Constitution. Some of these may be familiar to you, some may not.  For those that are not familiar to you, make sure to look them up first!
  1. Judicial Review
  2. Limited Government
  3. Majority Rule/Minority Rights
  4. Civil Rights/Civil Liberties
  5. Separation of Powers
  6. Representative Democracy
  7. Checks and Balances
  8. Federalism

Using any or all of the websites below, find a headline that best matches each constitutional principle listed above and record it in your notebook. 


  1. Judicial Review: Ohio Supreme Court denies challenge to state primary delay
Websites for headlines:

Activity #2: Write a claim and use reasoning...

Address the prompt below by creating an argument and line of reasoning.

Prompt: To what extent is the federal government justified in using wartime powers to address other national crises (natural disasters, disease, riots, etc.)?

Example: During a national crisis, Congress/President has the responsibility to…………. Therefore, to meet these challenges Congress/The President can…...

Activity #3:

Take a look at the release from AP College Board.  Review the major changes that are coming for the AP EXAM.

In your notebooks for Activity 2, write any questions that you may have or clarifications you want to check on and I will respond in your notebooks.


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