Monday, March 9, 2020

3/9 Monday & 3/10 Tuesday: 5.3 Political Parties

Lesson 5.3: Political Parties

Enduring Understanding:

Political parties, interest groups, and social movements provide opportunities for participation and influence how people relate to government and policy-makers.

Learning Objectives:

Describe linkage institutions.

Explain the function and impact of political parties on the electorate and government.

Essential Knowledge:

Linkage institutions are channels that allow individuals to communicate their preferences to policy-makers: 
  • Parties 
  • Interest groups 
  • Elections 
  • Media
The functions and impact of political parties on the electorate and government are represented by:
  • Mobilization and education of voters 
  • Party platforms  
  • Candidate recruitment 
  • Campaign management, including fundraising and media strategy 
  • The committee and party leadership systems in legislatures

Debrief 5.2: Unit One Review: Federalism

Activity #1: TIP-C: 

Activity #2: The Structure and Function of Political Parties Mini-Lecture

Activity #3: The Decline of Parties

Read one or both of the articles below to help understand some of the causes for the decline of parties over the last half century.

After you have finished reading, describe in your notebook how each of the following contributed to to this decline:
  1. The role of the media
  2. The rise of interest groups
  3. Political reforms like primaries and the Australian ballot
  4. Money and candidate-centered campaigns
However, not everyone believes the rise of independent voters and the decline of political parties is real. Read this article and summarize the author's argument.


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