Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday 4/16: Congress Review FRQ AP Classroom

Good Morning Everyone,

I attached a video from Mr. Edinger bc he did a great job explaining what is going on for the writing portion of the AP Exam.

Activity #1: 

Non-Legislative (non law-making) Powers of Congress
Watch the following video over Legislative Oversight and answer the questions in your notebooks...

    1)What are Congressional Committees and what do they do (This not in the video)?
    2)What is Legislative Oversight?
    3)How does Congress exercise oversight on the Executive Branch? In other words, what can Congress actually do to the Executive Branch after investigating the President and the Bureaucracy's actions?

    Activity #2:  AP Classroom.  Log into AP Classroom and submit the prompt.
    Argumentative Essay
    Ok let's talk about what we will be asked to do on May 11th (Please make sure to watch video from Edinger for a detail overview)...

    Ok, so really there is only one change and they are cutting your time for the Argumentative essay by 15 minutes... Makes sense right?!? Not really, but thats what we are working with.


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