Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday 1/29 & Thursday 1/30: 3.7 Selective Incorporation

Lesson 3.7: Selective Incorporation

Enduring Understanding:

The protections of the Bill of Rights have been selectively incorporated by way of the Fourteenth amendment’s “Due Process” and “Equal Protection” clause to prevent state infringement on basic rights.

Learning Objectives:

Explain the implications of the selective incorporation doctrine

Essential Knowledge:

The doctrine of selective incorporation has imposed on state regulation of civil rights and liberties as represented by McDonald v. Chicago (2010), which ruled the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms for self-defense in one’s home is applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment.

Debrief 3.3: 

Who, or what, does the Bill of Rights protect you from?  How do you know?

Activity #1:


Activity #2: 2018 AP Gov SCOTUS FRQ

Closing: Kahoot over Supreme Court Cases...


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