Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday 1/23 & Friday 1/24: 1st Amendment

Lesson 3.6: Amendments: Balancing Individual Freedom with Public Order and Safety

Enduring Understanding:

Provisions of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights are continually being interpreted to balance the power of government and the civil liberties of individuals.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the Supreme Court has attempted to balance claims of individual freedom with laws and enforcement procedures that promote public order and safety.

Essential Knowledge:

Court decisions defining cruel and unusual punishment involve interpretation of the Eighth Amendment and its application to state death penalty statutes.

The debate about the Second and Fourth Amendments involves concerns about public safety and whether or not the government regulation of firearms or collection of digital metadata promotes or interferes with public safety and individual rights.

Debrief: Controversial Issues Walk Around...

Travel to each one of the posters in the room and post one thought on each of the posters that have the topics listed.  Make sure to keep your comments school appropriate and consider the personal experiences of other people in the class.

Then write debrief 3.2: "Respond to one of the comments in class that conflicts with your own thoughts..."

Activity #2: Notes over the 1st Amendment and Free Expression:


Activity #3: 2018 AP Gov SCOTUS FRQ


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