Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday 2/24 & Tuesday 2/25: 4.5-6: Measuring and Evaluating Public Opinion Data

Enduring Understanding:

Public opinion is measured through scientific polling, and the results of public opinion polls influence public policies and institutions.

Learning Objectives:

Describe the elements of a scientific poll.

Explain the quality and credibility of claims based on public opinion data.

Essential Knowledge:

Public opinion data that can impact elections and policy debates is affected by such scientific polling types and methods as:

  • Type of poll (opinion polls, benchmark or tracking polls, entrance and exit polls) 
  • Sampling techniques, identification of respondents, mass survey or focus group, sampling error
  • Type and format of questions
The relationship between scientific polling and elections and policy debates is affected by the: §
  • Importance of public opinion as a source of political influence in a given election or policy debate
  • Reliability and veracity of public opinion data

Debrief 4.4:

Describe the role that "compromise" played at the Constitutional Convention in a well written paragraph.  Make sure to include the following ideas (not in any particular order)...
  • The Great Compromise
  • The 3/5ths Compromise
  • The Bill of Rights
  • The Electoral College

Activity #1: Notes over Polling

Click here for the NOTES

Activity #2: Article over Polling

Read and annotate the following article.  To annotate, make sure to do the following...
  • Number the paragraphs
  • Underline key claims of the author (at least one every other paragraph)
  • Circle key terms

Activity #3: Unit Four Review:


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