Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday 10/25 & Monday 10/28: 2.4 Roles & Powers of the President

Lesson 2.4: Roles and Powers of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda.

Essential Knowledge:

Presidents use powers and perform functions of the office to accomplish a policy agenda.

Formal and informal powers of the president include:

  • Vetoes and pocket vetoes – formal powers that enable the president to check Congress
  • Foreign policy – both formal (Commander-in-Chief and treaties) and informal (executive agreements) powers that influence relations with foreign nations 
  • Bargaining and persuasion – informal power that enables the president to secure congressional action 
  • Executive orders – implied from the president’s vested executive power, or from power delegated by Congress, executive orders are used by the president to manage the federal government 
  • Signing statements – informal power that informs Congress and the public of the president’s interpretation of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president

Activity # 1: CUA # 2

Click Here

Activity # 2: 

Click on Presidential Powers EdPuzzle (Complete in class)

Activity # 2:  Executive Branch Webquest

In your notebooks, answer the following questions 1-14 from the Executive Branch Webquest.  Please make sure to answer the questions in complete thoughts!  It will be graded in your 2nd notebook check.  In order for these notes to be helpful, complete thoughts will be necessary.

Activity # 3: In your notebook, answer the following question:

  • What character traits do you believe an ideal president should have?  What additional requirements should there be for a president, beyond those listed in Article II of the Constitution?

Activity #4: Nifty Fifty Vocab Add in your notebook & Define

  1. War Powers Act
  2. Signing Statement
  3. Bully Pulpit
  4. Executive Order


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